Watch the online-performance „You Too“ on Zoom between the 17th – 21th of January


Follow the Swedish journalist Sara as she conducts an online interview with Camille, president of a French women’s protection association. The conversation takes an unexpected turn and revolves around living in a destructive relationship within the Deaf community.

Who is really the victim and who is the abuser – what is it that must not be told? It turns out that nothing is as the two women expected. Gain a deep insight into the conspiracy of silence surrounding the Deaf community by experiencing this unique international theatre performance online.

Don’t miss this unique collaboration between Riksteatern Crea, International Visual Theatre and CinéSourds. The performance is performed online, in International Sign, which means that it can be experienced all over the world. Additionally, a variation of showtimes is offered to accommodate different time zones.

Premiere January 17th at 19.00 CET online



Winona Guyon

Josephine Olvhøj Kirkegaard


Artistic team:

Scriptwriter: Mia Modig

Director: Mindy Drapsa

Costume and Set Design: Tanja Honkanen


Duration: 35 minutes

Get you tickets now!



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